Welcome to the PKP School course on Building and Measuring Impact for your Library Publishing Program. This course focuses on how library publishers measure and extend the impact of their work. It covers how to identify and apply specific impact measures for publications, how to assess the performance of a publishing program and publication portfolio, and how to build an engagement strategy and evaluate its effects.

This course is made up of seven modules: 1) Metatrends Impacting Library Publishing, 2) Strategic Planning for your Library Publishing Program, 3) Assessment Measures and Strategies, 4) Strategies for Enhancing Discoverability and Accessibility, 5) Outreach, Engagement, and Collaboration for Impact, 6) Marketing, Promotion and Publicity, and 7) Social Networking. Each module is broken down into several units, and within each unit you will find various ways of interacting with the content, including unit readings, videos, discussion questions, and activities. You will have an opportunity to test your understanding of the module content with a quiz at the end of the module.

This course, as well as others in the Getting Started in Library Publishing series, was adapted from the Library Publishing Curriculum developed by the Educopia Institute and the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC), in partnership with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), NASIG, and BlueSky to BluePrint. The content was adapted under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license. The curriculum is a suite of synchronous and asynchronous professional development offerings for librarians. This dynamic, extensible, multimedia curriculum is intended to empower librarians to meet local demands to launch and/or enhance scholarly publishing activities. The initial curriculum was released in 2018 and included four modules that address major competencies in library publishing: Content, Impact, Policy, and Sustainability. Each module has been authored by field experts, and each is roughly the equivalent of a 12 hour “course.” This PKP School adaptation of the Curriculum was published in 2020.

Except where otherwise indicated, content in the Getting Started in Library Publishing series (as well as original content adapted from the Library Publishing Curriculum) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license. You are free to share, adopt, or adapt the materials. We encourage broad adoption of these materials for teaching and other professional development purposes, and invite you to customize them for your own needs.

We hope you enjoy the course!