Whether you are a student in a Library or Information Studies program, a library worker interested in starting a publishing program, or a staff member of an established library publishing unit, the Getting Started in Library Publishing course series provides detailed guidance on how academic libraries can succeed in providing publishing services to their campus communities.

The series consists of five courses, taken in the following order:

  1. Introduction to Getting Started in Library Publishing
  2. Attracting, Selecting, and Disseminating Content for your Library Publishing Program
  3. Building and Measuring Impact for your Library Publishing Program
  4. Sustainability of your Library Publishing Program
  5. Policies for Library Publishing

This course series was adapted from the Library Publishing Curriculum developed by the Educopia Institute and the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC), in partnership with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), NASIG, and BlueSky to BluePrint. The content was adapted under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.

We hope you find the series helpful in developing your library publishing program and invite you to provide your feedback on how we could make them even better.