Proceso editorial en OJS 3.3
¡Hola y bienvenido! Este curso está diseñado para aquellas personas que necesitan aprender a utilizar rápidamente la versión más reciente de OJS. Este curso revisa todos los conceptos básicos del flujo de trabajo editorial, y también subraya los temas más avanzados.
Si usted revisa cuidadosamente todas las lecciones de este curso, será capaz de:
- Realizar las principales tareas requeridas para un editor, revisor, editor de textos, editor de diseño, corrector de galeras y autor en OJS 3.3
- Analizar y resolver problemas comunes que pueden surgir al utilizar OJS
- Ayudar a otros en el uso de OJS
Dependiendo de sus necesidades, es posible que primero desee tomar el curso Configuración de una revista en OJS 3.3. Dicho curso incluye una revista de prueba con la que usted puede practicar.
Configuración de una revista en OJS 3.3
¡Saludos y bienvenido! Este curso ha sido diseñado para aquellas personas que necesitan aprender a utilizar rápidamente la versión más reciente de OJS. Independientemente de si usted está diseñando su propia revista o es responsable de hacerlo para alguien más, en este curso encontrará todos los conceptos básicos, así como indicadores de temas más avanzados.
Si usted trabaja a través de todos los módulos en este curso, será capaz de:
- descubrir las novedades de esta versión reciente de OJS;
- realizar las tareas más importantes en la configuración de una nueva revista en OJS;
- analizar y resolver problemas comunes que pueden surgir al utilizar OJS;
- ayudar a otros en su uso de OJS; y
- saber dónde buscar ayuda cuando no sabe qué hacer
Editorial Workflow in OJS 3.3
Hello and welcome! This course is designed for people who need to learn how to use the latest version of OJS quickly. You’ll find all of the basics of the editorial workflow covered in this course, as well as pointers toward more advanced topics.
If you work through all of the lessons in this course, you will be able to:
- Perform the major tasks required by an editor, reviewer, copyeditor, layout editor, proofreader, and author in OJS 3.3
- Analyze and solve common problems that may arise when using OJS
- Assist others with their use of OJS
Depending on your needs, you might want to do the Setting up a Journal in OJS 3.3 course first. That will provide you with a practice course journal to experiment with.
Setting up a Journal in OJS 3.3
Hello and welcome! This course is designed for people who need to learn how to use the latest version of OJS quickly. Whether you are starting your own journal or are responsible for setting up a journal for someone else, you’ll find all of the basics covered in this course, as well as pointers toward more advanced topics.
This course is also designed to guide you through the DOAJ eligibility requirements as well as what is required to receive the DOAJ Seal.
If you work through all of the modules in this course, you will be able to:
- Discover what is new in this latest version of OJS
- Perform the major tasks in configuring a new journal in OJS
- Analyze and solve common problems that may arise when using OJS
- Assist others with their use of OJS
- Know what is required to get indexed in the DOAJ
- Know what is required to receive the DOAJ Seal
- Know where to look for help when you don’t know what to do
Thanks for taking the course with us and I look forward to interacting with you in the comments!
Policies for Library Publishing
Hello and welcome! This is course 5 in the Getting Started in Library Publishing series. This course covers how library publishers develop policies that guide specific areas of their work. In this initial release, it is focused on policies related to copyright, diversity, and digital preservation, and guidance on creating legal agreements. We recognize that there are many more policies that may be used by library publishers, and hope to expand this module in future.
Sustainability of your Library Publishing Program
Hello and welcome! This is course 4 in the Getting Started in Library Publishing series. This course addresses some core concerns related to library publishing as a socio-technical system. In order for library publishing initiative to establish longevity and long-term success, professionals need to address a range of concerns related to people, policies, communities, technologies, and financials.
Building and Measuring Impact for your Library Publishing Program
Hello and welcome! This is course 3 in the Getting Started in Library Publishing series. This course focuses on how library publishers measure and extend the impact of their work. It covers how to identify and apply specific impact measures for publications, how to assess the performance of a publishing program and publication portfolio, and how to build an engagement strategy and evaluate its effects.
Attracting, Selecting, and Disseminating Content for your Library Publishing Program
Hello and welcome! This is course 2 in the Getting Started in Library Publishing series. This course explores the ways that library publishers attract, select, edit, manage, and disseminate content. This course includes information about how to recruit partners and select content for a program, and how to incorporate diverse voices into each part of the publication process. It also shares information about common production workflows, identifying the resources and staff skills needed to support various editorial strategies and content types.
Flujo de trabajo editorial en OJS 3.1
¡Hola y bienvenido! Este curso está diseñado para aquellas personas que necesitan aprender a utilizar rápidamente la versión más reciente de OJS. Este curso revisa todos los conceptos básicos del flujo de trabajo editorial, y también subraya los temas más avanzados.
Nota: Estos cursos fueron creados para una versión anterior de OJS (3.1). Si deseas aprender sobre una versión más reciente, por favor visita los cursos para OJS 3.3 desde la página de inicio de PKP School.
Si usted revisa cuidadosamente todas las lecciones de este curso, será capaz de:
- Realizar las principales tareas requeridas para un editor, revisor, editor de textos, editor de diseño, corrector de galeras y autor en OJS 3
- Analizar y resolver problemas comunes que pueden surgir al utilizar OJS
- Ayudar a otros en el uso de OJS
Dependiendo de sus necesidades, es posible que primero desee tomar el curso Configuración de una revista en OJS 3. Dicho curso incluye una revista de prueba con la que usted puede practicar.
Configuración de una revista en OJS 3.1
¡Saludos y bienvenido! Este curso ha sido diseñado para aquellas personas que necesitan aprender a utilizar rápidamente la versión más reciente de OJS. Independientemente de si usted está diseñando su propia revista o es responsable de hacerlo para alguien más, en este curso encontrará todos los conceptos básicos, así como indicadores de temas más avanzados.
Nota: Estos cursos fueron creados para una versión anterior de OJS (3.1). Si deseas aprender sobre una versión más reciente, por favor visita los cursos para OJS 3.3 desde la página de inicio de PKP School.
Si usted trabaja a través de todos los módulos en este curso, será capaz de:
- descubrir las novedades de esta versión reciente de OJS;
- realizar las tareas más importantes en la configuración de una nueva revista en OJS;
- analizar y resolver problemas comunes que pueden surgir al utilizar OJS;
- ayudar a otros en su uso de OJS; y
- saber dónde buscar ayuda cuando no sabe qué hacer
Editorial Workflow in OJS 3.1
Hello and welcome! This course is designed for people who need to learn how to use the latest version of OJS quickly. You’ll find all of the basics of the editorial workflow covered in this course, as well as pointers toward more advanced topics.
NOTE: These courses were made for an older version of OJS (3.1). If you are learning a more recent version, please see the new course Editorial Workflow in OJS 3.3.
If you work through all of the lessons in this course, you will be able to:
- Perform the major tasks required by an editor, reviewer, copyeditor, layout editor, proofreader, and author in OJS 3
- Analyze and solve common problems that may arise when using OJS
- Assist others with their use of OJS
Depending on your needs, you might want to do the Setting up a Journal in OJS 3 course first. That will provide you with a practice course journal to experiment with.
Setting up a Journal in OJS 3.1
Hello and welcome! This course is designed for people who need to learn how to use the latest version of OJS quickly. Whether you are starting your own journal or are responsible for setting up a journal for someone else, you’ll find all of the basics covered in this course, as well as pointers toward more advanced topics.
NOTE: These courses were made for an older version of OJS (3.1). If you are learning a more recent version, please see the new course Setting up a Journal in OJS 3.3.
If you work through all of the modules in this course, you will be able to:
- Discover what is new in this latest version of OJS
- Perform the major tasks in configuring a new journal in OJS
- Analyze and solve common problems that may arise when using OJS
- Assist others with their use of OJS
- Know where to look for help when you don’t know what to do
OJS 2 for Journal Managers
Hello and welcome! This course is designed for people who need to learn how to use OJS quickly. Whether you are starting your own journal or are responsible for setting up a journal for someone else, you’ll find all of the basics covered in this course, as well as pointers toward more advanced topics.
NOTE: These courses were made for a legacy version of OJS (2). PKP no longer supports this version of the software and is no longer offering test journals in this version. If you are interested in learning a more recent version, please see the new course Setting up a Journal in OJS 3.3.
If you work through all of the lessons in this course, you will be able to:
- Perform the major tasks required by a Journal Manager in OJS
- Analyze and solve common problems that may arise when using OJS
- Assist others with their use of OJS
- Know where to look for help when you don’t know what to do
OJS 2 for Editors
Hello and welcome! This course is designed for people who need to learn how to use OJS quickly. Whether you are starting your own journal or are responsible for setting up a journal for someone else, you’ll find all of the basics covered in this course, as well as pointers toward more advanced topics.
NOTE: These courses were made for a legacy version of OJS (2). PKP no longer supports this version of the software and is no longer offering test journals in this version. If you are interested in learning a more recent version, please see the new course Editorial Workflow in OJS 3.3.
If you work through all of the lessons in this course, you will be able to:
- Perform the major tasks required by an Editor in OJS
- Analyze and solve common problems that may arise when using OJS
- Assist others with their use of OJS
- Know where to look for help when you don’t know what to do
Becoming an Editor
Hello and welcome! This course is designed to help you become a successful editor of a scholarly journal. Whether you are starting your own journal or taking on the responsibility for an existing journal, you will find all of the basics covered in this course, as well as pointers toward more advanced topics.
If you work through all of the lessons in this course, you will be able to:
- Perform the major tasks required of an editor for a scholarly journal
- Analyze and solve common problems that may arise when editing a scholarly journal
- Assist other members of the journal team
- Know where to look for help when you do not know what to do
Becoming a Reviewer
Hello and welcome! This course is designed to help you become a successful reviewer of a scientific or scholarly journal. You’ll find all of the basics covered in this course, as well as pointers toward more advanced topics.
If you work through all of the modules in this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the critical role played by reviewers in advancing science and scholarship.
- Discover the professional benefits you will receive by volunteering your time as a reviewer.
- Learn how to write a useful review that will help your editor and the author.
- Effectively work with OJS, a popular open source, online journal management and peer review system.
- Become a better reviewer over time.
Writing for Publication
This course provides authors with the thinking skills and strategies necessary to create effective and publishable articles from their research. Using emerging technologies and social media will also be covered in the course.